Following Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), we once again join the Resistance as they battle against the First Order once more. (function(d,s,id){va...[Read More]
Robin returns from the Crusades to find his country a different place from when he left. He has been declared dead, his assets seized by the Sheriff o...[Read More]
Han Solo was part of the criminal underworld and a smuggler before he joined the Rebellion. In his plight to escape danger and poverty on his home pla...[Read More]
On her first day of boarding school, a young lady meets a man who seems incredibly familiar. With some strange happenings at the school, Sword of Cros...[Read More]
In 2010 the worst recorded American oil spill took place from the rig "Deepwater Horizon". This dramatisation follows events as they painfully unfold....[Read More]
Set in in the 1950's, an Irish woman, Eilis Lacey, grows up working in a local grocery store. Seeing her life mapped out in front of her before it's b...[Read More]