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SICARIO 2: SOLDADO (2018) Write A Review


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SICARIO 2: SOLDADO (2018) Write A Review

Review Writing Guidelines

Your review can be as long or short as you want to write but think about what you would find useful and engaging in a review. Too short and it won’t give people the information they need but too long and they may never make it to the end!

Rule In:

  • Focus on the film or programme you are reviewing. Comparisons to other films or programmes can be helpful but the main content should be about the title being considered.
  • Explain why you feel the way you feel; readers want to understand why you liked or disliked something.

Rule Out:

  • Swearing, obscenities or anything which may cause harm or upset to another person. It is okay to say you didn’t like something but please try to do so politely!
  • Be aware of spoilers. People read reviews to help choose what to watch and they don’t want to know the full story before they watch something.
  • Links to other web pages or promotional information is not permitted.


  • All reviews will be moderated and approved for publishing.
  • Minor edits may be made to reviews without notice to ensure they meet the guidelines.
  • Please ensure that your review is all your own work and not copied from elsewhere.
  • Once a review is moderated, approved and published it becomes the property of The Flix Review.